These days you can find many companies online offering very cheap prices on very basic display cases. Most of what you see looks the same and you have to wonder if the quality is decent. At Jewelry Showcases (Division of CUSTOM DISPLAY GROUP) we own our factories. We do our manufacturing in 4 very strategic location which enables us to offer our customers pricing that is unmatched by our competitors.
Our locations are Toronto Canada, Laredo Texas, Altamira Mexico and our newest location Matamoros Mexico.
If you are looking to have 2 or more glass display cases designed and manufactured by us and you want to keep you purchase cost of your brand new display cabinets to a minimum, you should consider having them made at one of our factories down south. Savings between 25% and 40% are common on larger orders if manufactured in Mexico!
We also have customers that prefer having their showcases manufactured at one of our factories in the USA or Canada and this is also possible!
Who in the display case industry can give you these kinds of choices???? WE CAN!!!!!!!
If you have received a quote from another supplier then please forward this to us, so we can offer you pricing that might pleasantly surprise you!
Tom Gibbins